Wears Auctioneering WEST

 Wears Auctioneering West Inc. is a Western States branch of Wears Auctioneering with offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming and Salmon, Idaho.

Wears Auctioneering is bringing our ONLINE auction services to the WEST! We have teamed up with agents in the area to bring our experience and expertise to customers in Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska and Idaho. 

Online Auctions aren’t all we offer! We can facilitate live auctions, benefit and fundraising events, appraisals, business liquidations, and even real estate transactions. Please consider Wears Auctioneering WEST for all your auction related needs.

Wears Auctioneering West INC. has a lot to offer our clients:

  • Over 30 years auction experience  
  • We are actively involved in the National, Wyoming, Iowa, and Colorado Auctioneer’s Associations.
  • Multi-state Champion Auctioneers
  • Marknet Alliance Member
  • Multiple designations through the National Auctioneer’s Association

Our company is dedicated to being at the forefront of industry trends so we are able to offer the newest and most effective marketing techniques to our clients.

If you or someone you know in Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska or Idaho is in need of an experienced, quality and dedicated auction service provider, call Emily Kroul (Wears) in our Idaho office at 319-331-1888, or send her an email to ask how we can help you with your specific auction marketing needs at [email protected].

To keep up to date on what’s new and happening with us, like our page on Facebook at Wears Auctioneering WEST and check back to this site to find links to all of our current and upcoming auctions.

Join our mailing list! Be sure to select Wears Auctioneering WEST updates.
 Get to know Wears WEST’s Emily Kroul (Wears) 

Emily Kroul (Wears) - is a second-generation auctioneer, daughter of Wears Auctioneering owner Brent Wears. She began her career as a child working as a clerk, cashier, and bid assistant at Wears Auctioneering. In 2007, at the age of 17, Emily followed in the footsteps of her father by attending the World Wide College of Auctioneering to learn the bid call. She continued working regularly for Wears Auctioneering as an auctioneer and joined the Iowa and National Auctioneers Associations. 

In 2008, she was named first runner up in the International Junior Auctioneer’s Contest in Nashville, Tennessee. In August 2009 Emily became the youngest person, and only the second woman ever, to win the Iowa Auctioneers Contest. In 2009 Emily moved to Wyoming to pursue her undergraduate degree at the University of Wyoming and earned her bachelors in Business Management in 2013. She joined the Wyoming and Colorado Auctioneers Associations and was awarded the People’s Choice Award at the 2010 Wyoming Auctioneers Association annual convention. In January 2012, Emily was honored to be the first woman and first out-of-state member to win the Colorado Auctioneers Contest. In 2014 Emily was named the Wyoming State Champion Auctioneer. The most prestigious of all, in 2018, Emily became the International Auctioneer Champion. 

Emily has earned the designation “BAS” (Benefit Auctioneer Specialist) from the National Auctioneers Association as well as “ATS” (Auction Technology Specialist) and “CAI” (Certified Auctioneers Institute). Emily provides valuable services to Wears Auctioneering as a western states representative as she continues to ply her trade at benefit and general auctions in Colorado and Wyoming.

In 2012 Emily was featured on a new reality show Money Barn which aired on Animal Planet later that year. In 2016, she was recruited to appear on American Idol and was featured on an early episode where her auction skills were highlighted. Then again, she was approached by A&E to appear as an auctioneer on the hit reality show Storage Wars. She has since been a primary auctioneer on the show for 4 seasons. 

Now residing in Idaho, Emily continues to work closely with the family business, helping to run online auctions and participate in large events. She travels the country helping with fundraising events and acting as a contract auctioneer. 

Emily provides valuable services to Wears Auctioneering as a western states representative as she continues to ply her trade at benefit, online and general auctions. Auctions are Emily’s passion, she particularly enjoys the bid call but loves working with fundraising organizations and facilitating online only auctions. 
Please do not hesitate to call or email Emily and ask her questions about auctions, she would love to hear from you. 208-252-5040 [email protected]  


One of our newest partnering companies is Al-Rose Auction & Realty LLC. From Cheyenne, Wyoming. To find out about their company and what we are working on together, visit their website at www.alroseauction.com and like them on Facebook at Al-Rose Auction & Realty LLC.

